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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 7, Issue 3, pp. 305-449

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Nonlinear Differential Equations Equivalent to Solvable Nonlinear Equations

Murray S. Klamkin and James L. Reid

pp. 305-310

Series Expansions and Linear Differential Operators

J. K. Shaw

pp. 311-331

On $q$-Analogues of the Watson and Whipple Summations

George E. Andrews

pp. 332-336

On the Nonexistence of Entire Solutions to Nonlinear Second Order Elliptic Equations

Howard A. Levine and Lawrence E. Payne

pp. 337-343

Zero-Free Parabolic Regions for Sequences of Polynomials

E. B. Saff and R. S. Varga

pp. 344-357

Preservation of Geometric Properties under an Integral Transformation

M. Abdel-Hameed and F. Proschan

pp. 359-365

Polygamma Functions of Arbitrary Order

Nathaniel Grossman

pp. 366-372

A Second Order Nonlinear Degenerate Parabolic Equation with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions

Margaret C. Waid

pp. 373-383

Time to Attain a Given Temperature at the Center of a Sphere Due to Radial Heat Flow

M. L. Glasser

pp. 384-385

A Five-Parameter Family of Positive Kernels from Jacobi Polynomials

M. Rahman

pp. 386-413

Some Positive Kernels and Bilinear Sums for Hahn Polynomials

M. Rahman

pp. 414-435

Metric Curvature, Folding, and Unique Best Approximation

C. K. Chui, E. R. Rozema, P. W. Smith, and J. D. Ward

pp. 436-449